What is a live monitoring service?

In the context of a security company, the term live monitoring refers to a security process in which high-resolution CCTV cameras are installed at the client’s location. These cameras are connected to the control room of the security agency through high-speed internet. Where a team of them keeps an eye on the client’s premises through CCTV cameras. they can take action on the possibility of something going wrong.

Security services that watch over businesses live are like having someone always keeping an eye on both the place and the computer stuff. They use cameras, sensors, and special systems to check for anything weird happening. This service is still popular in industrial security because this is efficient and low-cost. The alternatives of these services like hiring security guards were a high maintenance solution, so when these types of security services came to market, people welcomed the concept.

This helps make things safer by finding problems before they happen and scaring off bad guys. It’s like having a guard around all the time, making sure everything’s okay. Whether it’s looking at cameras, keeping track of who’s coming and going, or watching out for trouble with computers, these services work non-stop to keep things safe and sound.

monitoring team

Filed staff role in live monitoring security

Field staff in live monitoring security are like superheroes on the ground, always ready to jump into action when alarms go off or something fishy happens. They rush to the place, check things out, and make sure everything’s safe. They also regularly look around the place to spot any weak spots in security, keep an eye on the gear, and make sure everyone’s following the safety rules. They’re like the rule enforcers, making sure everyone plays it safe.

They’re the fix-it people too, making sure all the security gadgets like cameras and sensors are working fine. And when something bad does happen, like someone breaks in or there’s a theft, they turn into detectives, gathering clues and writing reports for the police. They’re also like bodyguards, making sure everything and everyone stays safe by patrolling and keeping watch. They’re always in touch with the folks watching everything remotely, giving them updates and working together to keep things secure.

Monitoring room of security agency

Our Control Room

Anything can happen in this unpredictable world. Practically speaking, it is impossible to be everywhere at once, thus in order to protect your people and assets, you must keep an eye on them and take care of them. That’s why we are here to help! This is our area of expertise. Every site has cameras and loudspeakers installed, which are connected to our control room.

Anything can happen in this unpredictable world. Practically speaking, it is impossible to be everywhere at once, thus in order to protect your people and assets, you must keep an eye on them and take care of them. That’s why we are here to help! This is our area of expertise. Every site has cameras and loudspeakers installed, which are connected to our control room.

What is the role of live monitoring in factories and industrial security

Live monitoring plays a very important role in industrial organizations and protects their assets, which helps them avoid huge losses and they take live monitoring services instead of security guards.

The key points why live monitoring service is better than other security services are given below.

Proactive threat detection: Unlike other security services that rely on reactive measures, live monitoring services use advanced video analytics and machine learning algorithms to detect suspicious activity in real-time. This allows security personnel to intervene before an incident occurs.
24/7 surveillance: Live monitoring services offer continuous 24/7 surveillance, ensuring ongoing protection for businesses, especially crucial for those with round-the-clock operations or valuable assets requiring constant safeguarding, even in your absence.
Reduced costs:  Live monitoring services contribute to cost reduction by deterring crime and vandalism, consequently lowering insurance expenses, given that many insurers provide discounts for businesses employing such monitoring systems.
Improved peace of mind: Having trained professionals monitor your business round-the-clock provides enhanced peace of mind, freeing you to concentrate on running your operations without security concerns.
Compliance with regulations: Industries often mandate live monitoring security to comply with regulations; for instance, healthcare providers must implement live monitoring per the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to safeguard patient privacy.

Security guard agency

Security guard agencies are much more expensive than live monitoring and it is not that you can trust the guards you get from them because it is known that they help thieves for a few bucks.

He will not be alert all the time, even if the thief comes, he will not be able to do it alone.

live Monitoring Security

The cost of live surveillance security will be 80% less at It costs (@2000) compared to the guard agency, and you can monitor it from anywhere with the camera’s assistance. Additionally, the camera is equipped with an alarm system in case something goes wrong.

There will be an alert to notify you. Additionally, as previously said, two teams collaborate in live monitoring; one team monitors while the other is out in the field. The field team is notified when something appears out of the ordinary, and they promptly respond to the scene and take control of the situation.

Top 10 best live monitoring security companies of south india

SimpliSafe:  Best DIY installation
ADT:  Most trusted security brand
Vivint:  Best professional installation
Ring:  Best budget-friendly option
Abode:  Best for smart homes
Frontpoint:  Quality DIY
Arlo:  Best sensors
Cove:  Best customer rating
Wyze:  Most gadgets
ADT Self Setup:  Best self-monitoring

Live monitoring security works 24/7

Benefits of Live Monitoring Services

Realtime Safety

Life is uncertain! & Live monitoring is one of the safest services of all the time, the reason is this is real-time & can give security. Realtime means we are connected to your place all the time, we can see, can inspect, can talk to people, & understand the situation on live cameras & phones.

Realtime Response

You might need a real-time execution against something mishappening around, in a case. We not just keep an eye all the time on events around your place, but can also execute solutions with loudspeakers, phone-calls. We can stand against any threat & can call situation-handlers like Police or Ambulance etc.

Worldclass Equipment

Connectivity Softwares

World class software that increases safety in your home.

High Quality CCTv Cameras

HD CCTV cameras that are able to examine minute details in real-time.

Loudspeakers connected

Exquisite loudspeakers guarantee the handling of remote instructions.

Remote Alarms

Alarms for emergencies go off in unwelcome circumstances.

We protect when... you can't see it! stay safe with us.